Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weight Loss Goals.

I work best when I am bribed to do things. So, like my BFF I am going to set up a set of rewards for the weight that I lose. When I first think of rewards I think of food, that is how I was raised. If you are happy you eat, sad? you eat, upset? you eat, mad? you eat. You get the idea. So, I have had to come up with a set of rewards that have nothing to do with food.
10lbs- Fitbit
20lbs- Pedicure
30lbs- Send Myself Fruit Bouquet
40lbs- New Underwear
50lbs- Contacts
70lbs- Horse Ride
80lbs- Tattoo
90lbs-New Expensive Bag
100lbs-  New Laptop!!
110lbs- Spa Day
120lbs- New Clothes!
Some of the things on the list are things I want, some are things I will be doing for the first time, and others are things that I know I will want to work for.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like the fruit bouquet, those things are delicious! Also the tattoo, I never officially reached my last weight loss goal, so I didn't get mine. Also I didn't decided what I wanted. Now that the weather is getting nicer, I have to get out and walk/exercise more to get rid of what weight I have put back on and hopefully get rid of some extra.
